iCade compatibility list/wishlist 0-9 1001 Attempts | review | thread 1943: Carrier Pilot | review | thread 1943: Torpedo Away! | review | thread 2044 | review | thread 4NR | review | thread 80's World! | review | thread A An Alien Annihilation | review | thread Action Driver | review | thread Action Hero | review | thread Active Soccer | review | thread Activision Anthology | review | thread Aemula Oldies | review | thread AirAttack HD | review | thread Akane the Kunoichi | review | thread Alien Breed | review | thread An Alien Annihilation | review | thread Another Shot | review | thread Another World | review | thread Arcade Jumper | review | thread Atari's Greatest Hits | review | thread Aztec Antics | review | thread B B-Squadron Battle for Earth | review | thread Baby Monkey | review | thread Ballistyx | review | thread Battle Kid 2 | review | thread Beach Games | review | thread Beatdown | review | thread Beyond Ynth HD | review | thread Blast Soccer | review | thread BlastTrax | review | thread Blazing Star | review | thread Bob's Action Racing | review | thread Bomber Cat | review | thread Boulder Dash-XL | review | thread Box Cat | review | thread Brotherhood of Violence | review | thread Bubble Pig | review | thread Bubble Quest | review | thread Bubble Sort HD | review | thread C C64 Elite Collection | review | thread Cave Shooter 2 | review | thread Cave Shooter HD | review | thread Caverns of Minos | review | thread Cavorite | review | thread Cavorite 2 | review | thread Chrono&Cash | review | thread Chuck's Challenge | review | thread Commander Pixman | review | thread Commodore 64 | review | thread Compression HD | review | thread Crazy Bill | review | thread Critter Panic! (was Match Panic) | review | thread Cyborg Livestock | review | thread D Danmaku Unlimited | review | thread Danmaku Unlimited 2 | review | thread Dark Incursion | review | thread Death Ray Manta (DRM) | review | thread Delta-V Racing | review | thread Dig! | review | thread Dingo (ZX Spectrum) | review | thread Dink Smallwood HD | review | thread Diversion | review | thread Diversion HD | review | thread Don't Run with a Plasma Sword | review | thread Donkey Jump | review | thread Duke Nukem 2 | review | thread Dynamite Dan II | review | thread Dynamite Jack | review | thread Dynastunts | review | thread E Eagle Lake | review | thread ElectroMaster | review | thread Emerald Mine | review | thread Emlyn Hughes International Soccer | review | thread EnbornX | review | thread Endless Space Shooter | review | thread Expander | review | thread ExZeus 2 | review | thread
R-Z F F. Godmom | review | thread Final Run | review | thread Fire Escapes | review | thread Flashback | review | thread Forget-Me-Not | review | thread Freeesh | review | thread Frogger Decades | review | thread Fruity the Snake HD | review | thread G Game of Watchcraft: Spawn of Squishy | review | thread Genius Greedy Mouse | review | thread GoatUp | review | thread Goatup 2 | review | thread GoGo Digger | review | thread Gold Miner Joe | review | thread Gridlee (MAME) | review | thread Gridrunner | review | thread Gun Runner | review | thread Gunman Clive | review | thread Gunslugs | review | thread H Hard Lines | review | thread Haunted Hallway | review | thread Helium Boy | review | thread Heroes of Loot | review | thread Hummingz EVO HD | review | thread HungryMaster | review | thread Hyperbowl | review | thread I iBlackjack HD | review | thread iBlast2 | review | thread Ice Rage | review | thread Icy Escort | review | thread iMAME4all (pulled) | review | thread Impossible Road | review | thread INC | review | thread Influx | review | thread Interstellar Force 2 | review | thread Invasion Strike | review | thread Iron Frost | review | thread IronStar Arena | review | thread iSpherical | review | thread iStriker 2 Air Assault | review | thread iStriker Rescue & Combat | review | thread J Jungle Crash Land | review | thread Jungool | review | thread K Katana Jack | review | thread Kid Vector | review | thread Kinetic Damage | review | thread Kung Fu Rabbit | review | thread L Lab Bunnies | review | thread League of Evil | review | thread League of Evil 2 | review | thread League of Evil 3 | review | thread Lemegeton | review | review | thread Lightrunner | review | thread Lucky Coins | review | review | thread
S Samurai Shodown | review | thread Saucelifter Heavy Disc | review | thread Shamus | review | thread Shogun | review | thread Shuttle Scuttle | review | thread Sideways Racing | review | thread Silverfish | review | thread Silverfish MAX | review | thread Skweek Revisited | review | thread Sky Diver Classic | review | thread Skyriders | review | thread Sneak Peek | review | thread Sonic the Hedgehog | review | update post | thread Space Inversion | review | thread Space Inversion 2 HD | review | thread Space Inversion Puzzle | review | thread Spectaculator ZX Spectrum Emulator | review | thread Spectre 3d | review | thread SpellSword | review | thread Stack King | review | thread Star-Ball Lite | review | thread Stardash | review | thread Storm Strikers | review | thread Stupid Jones | review | thread Submarine Hunt | review | thread Sunday Lawn | review | thread Super Crate Box | review | thread Super Crossfire HD | review | thread Super Drill Panic | review | thread Super Lemonade Factory | review | thread Super Mega Worm | review | thread Super Mega Worm Vs Santa | review | thread Super Mega Worm Vs Santa 2 | review | thread Super Mole Escape | review | thread Super Ox Wars | review | thread Super Soccer Champs 2013 | review | thread Swordigo | review | thread T Table Top Racing | review | thread TapMania.org | review | thread Temple Run | review | thread Terra Noctis | review | thread The Blocks Cometh | review | thread The Doubleback | review | thread The Last Mission | review | thread The Monster Hunter - Arthur's Quest | review | thread The Ories Super Space Monsters | review | thread The Other Brothers | review | thread TorpedoRun | review | thread Totally Sweet Sudoku | review | thread U Unicorn Rush | review | thread V Vector Star Brawl | review | thread Vectrex | review | thread Velocispider | review | thread Vertex Blaster | review | thread W Wacoon Jump | review | thread Warblade HD | review | thread Wicked Freefall | review | thread Wizard Ops | review | thread Y Yellow Submarine Undersea Adventure | review | thread Z Zaccaria Pinball | review | thread Zombie Diversion | review | thread Zombie Meatballs | review | thread ZX Spectrum Elite Collection HD | review | thread Please PM me, and post in this thread if you have found or made a game that supports iCade AppShopper Social Username: icadelist Developer Help Still growing, hopefully it will be of some use HDMI Thread Connectors Buying Guide List with newest at bottom Easier to find the newer apps, but not as organized
Mine arrives next Tuesday. Can't wait. I'm hoping the the iCade commands become a sort of 'de facto' standard with other external controllers. It would certainly help adoption by developers.
Oh, you can add Compression HD to the supported titles list: http://twitter.com/#!/lilwhitebear/status/84370674583482368
I'm hoping for the recent galaga game to get updated, maybe pacman CE, really any of the old shooters like gorf, phoenix, blaster master, defender etc.
Mos Speedrun update will be live in a few minutes with iCade support We tested it as best we could with a keyboard so hopefully it will work ok! Hope you enjoy it! Nick
Add IronStar Arena to the list. No idea if its any good. Not mentioned as icade compatible in the description but its on ionaudio's website http://www.ionaudio.com/products/details/icade http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ironstar-arena/id426041864?mt=8
We were advised not to use the word "iCade" in the keywords or description for Mos in order to avoid any potential apple rejection, other games that support it are probable doing the same...
list updated. yeah that is strange they don't want iCade even mentioned... mos speedrun is really great . the on-screen controls could probably go away when the icade is in use though (not a big deal).
Wow, really?! Thanks! Must try it later on my iCade. UPDATE: Awesome! It works great! =) FINALLY something besides old Atari games, LOL! We need to start keeping a list on the forum of games that add icade support, since devs need to hide it on the App store (why???).
We'll need to add that on the next build but it's a bit tricky to detect whether an iCade is present or whether its just a bluetooth keyboard - you can get round it by changing the control method to 'mos' in the option screen
Support is coming in Sideways Racing apparently. http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=1787191&postcount=36
Anyone know of any scrolling beat em ups that are Icade supported? How about the turbographics collection?
We're almost done adding iCade support to our game (Sideways Racing). We should be submitting version 1.0.2 soon. Here's a video of it in action: I really hope other developers add iCade support. Great device. So much fun playing iPad games with a decent hardware controller.
Excellent, great vid. Can I ask is it a lot of work to add icade support? I too am hoping that it becomes almost standard to add icade support to games that suit it but if its a lot of work and obviously there are very few icade owners I wonder if most devs may think it a waste of their time. What the icade needs to really take off is to make it into apple stores!