
In Celebration of the New iPhone 5, Here’s a HUGE List of Games on Sale

Since many of you might be brand new iPhone 5 owners, and new to iOS in general, let me toss this nugget of wisdom your way: the App Store has a lot of sales. I mean A LOT. Developers have the ability to change pricing at their own discretion, so this means that prices fluctuate all the time and sales get thrown for even the smallest of reasons, or for no reason at all.

We constantly do sales roundups and freebie alerts which can be easily kept track of using our TouchArcade app (Free), and even more meticulously using or the AppShopper app (Free). With AppShopper, you can actually create an account and keep a running “watch list" and then be informed whenever those apps on your list change, whether it be a price drop, an update, or both.

Following is a huge list of sales that are mostly being thrown to celebrate the launch of the iPhone 5, though nothing is specifically iPhone 5-only so feel free to download away even if you didn’t get the new iPhone. Also, games that haven’t yet been updated for the larger iPhone 5 screen should still run perfectly fine on the new device, just with black borders on the top and bottom of the screen.

Each highlighted game title will take you directly to the App Store, and next to that you’ll find its previous price followed with its current sales price. And next to that, when applicable, there will be links to our own front page review, our TA Plays commentary videos, and the forum thread for that game where you can get all sorts of additional information and impressions from our community members.

Check out the list of what’s on offer below, and be sure to read our reviews or check on forum impressions for any games you might be curious to know about. Also, the ones marked with a big bold FREE cost you nothing to download and try, so no reason not to at least grab those.

Action games



Puzzle / Board Game

The Sims


Social Puzzle


New Additions!

Oh yeah! Here’s another little info nugget for the newbies: sale prices can change at the drop of a hat. Since developers hold the power of flipping the sales switch, that also means that a price drop can revert back to normal just as quickly as it dropped.

That’s why it’s important to grab what you like as soon as you can, and even more important to maintain a list with AppShopper and the TouchArcade app so you can be aware of sales the moment they go live and it’s less likely you’ll miss out on something cool. Also, don’t forget about our Price Drops and Freebies dedicated forum that typically spots price drops well ahead of anybody.