
Fourth of July Sales Kick Off with ‘Bastion’, ‘Fieldrunners 2’, ‘Man of Steel’, ‘LEGO’ Games, and More

4thjulyAs regular App Store visitors are already very familiar with, any old holiday or special occasion is a great time to put your games on sale. In the US this week we’re celebrating Independence Day on July 4th, and developers are already getting in on the price-dropping action.

Warner Bros. have dropped the price of most of their major game releases to a buck for the week, and there’s a few other great titles up for grabs at a temporary sale price. Here’s a list of notable game sales and all relevant links to get more information if you’re interested.

Warner Bros. Sales

Other Sales

Late Addition:

There’s really nothing bad on the entire list of sales if you’ve got a few dollars to burn and are looking for some new diversions, but seriously, don’t skip on Bastion if you haven’t bought it already. It’s not to be missed. And for me personally, even though I don’t typically like tower defense, Fieldrunners 2 is one of my all-time favorites. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Paper Titans was recently updated with a batch of expert levels, addressing our main complaint about the game which was that it was too easy.

I’m pretty sure there will be other noteworthy price drops this week, whether for the 4th of July or otherwise, so we’ll be sure to let you know when more sales hit.