In honor of the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim today, tons of iOS developers have dropped the price of their games. I suppose this sale could also be for Veteran’s Day, but that seems to be just as weird of a reason to slash prices of iOS games as the release of Skyrim. So, since everyone else has abandoned me for Skyrim, I’m just going to assume that these sales are some kind of consolation prize to give me something else to do today other than be forever alone.
Out of all the things on sale, this is the ten bucks I’d spend:
Cowboy Guns HD, Free - [Review] – Sure, there’s a billion dual stick shooters on the App Store, but I’ve got to tip my hat at any that have an actual story-driven single-player campaign to play through instead of just throwing you into a pit full of monsters to see how long you can survive.
Flapcraft, $0.99 - This game was a little hard to recommend when it first came out because of how short and linear it was for a “see how far you can fly" kind of game. But, for a buck, it’s totally worth picking up just to see how incredibly detailed the graphics are on the Retina Display.
Grand Prix Story, $4.99 - [Review] – My latest Kairosoft obsession. Take the gameplay of Game Dev Story and apply it to racing. It works really well, and unlike other Kairosoft games features gameplay which seems fairly clear-cut and sensible. Upgrade cars, do better in races, trick out your garage, etc.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, $2.99 - [Review] – We didn’t think a whole lot of this game when it was originally released, it was expensive, buggy, and felt awkward as an iOS game. Well, a price drop and a few updates fixed the first two problems, but I’m not sure what can be done about the third.
Peggle Classic, $0.99 - [Review] – Is there a person on this planet who owns an iPhone and doesn’t have Peggle on it? I certainly hope not, but if you fall into that group I’d seriously fix that as soon as possible. Peggle is amazing.
Scribblenauts Remix, $0.99 - [Review] – The Scribblenauts games for the Nintendo DS were incredible, so naturally, when you take those two and cram ’em together into one iOS game that’s also universal and supports iCloud syncing? …Yeah, you need to get this game.
SHADOWGUN, $4.99 - [Review] – Like Madfingers’ other games, Shadowgun is very heavy on the eye candy and a little light on gameplay. Regardless, if you’ve got a recent iOS device, for a buck you should totally check out the graphics Shadowgun can make it pump out.
Super Crossfireâ„¢ HD, $2.99 - [Review] – This is what happens when you take the classic game of Space Invaders and crank it up to 11 with bright colors, particle effects, and a really cool warping mechanic that puts a new twist on the whole thing.
World of Goo, $4.99 - [Review] – I wouldn’t really say the small screen of the iPhone is the ideal way to play World of Goo, but this game is so good that you should try it anyway. Although, if at all possible, check out the HD version on the iPad.
WORMS, $1.99 - [Review] – Even though I still don’t think the port is the best, it’s still really rad to be able to play Worms on your phone. A recent update added Bluetooth multiplayer, so if you’ve got local iOS gamer friends, this is a solid purchase.
Also, just like most holidays, there’s tons of other games on sale (and quite a few even free) for the release of Skyrim. I’ve written up a handy-dandy guide for finding everything that’s on sale or free. Alternatively, you can check out our price drops and freebie forum to see what forum members have found.
Happy Skyrim release day everyone!