Cat Quest ($4.99) from The Gentlebros is one of the best games you can play on iOS. We loved it and awarded it our Game of the Week and even featured it in our best games list for 2017. If you haven’t read our review of it, check it out here. Cat Quest 2: The Lupus Empire is something everyone here wants to play and The Gentlebros have been posting updates in our forum thread for it with some interesting details while also showcasing the progress it has made.
Cat Quest 2: The Lupus Empire will feature controller support from day one and if you missed it, you can play it in local co-op. If you aren’t interested in playing it with someone, your partner will be AI controller and there are skills for both as cats and dogs unite in the sequel to one of the best touch RPGs ever. We’ve gotten some new screenshots in the forum thread but check out one of them below:
Cat Quest 2: The Lupus Empire will have a longer story, more enemies, more weapons, and basically more of everything. I can’t wait to play it. Check out our forum thread to keep tabs on the progress it is making and if you haven’t already done it, get the original Cat Quest ($4.99) on the App Store.