Sure: explain they can use also iPhone 4 + JB. A good tutorial for enable screen mirroring:
Findings: Some local stores carrying BT controller branded under the name of IPEGA: The price is roughly the same as Nyka on Amazon and it has the iCade mode as far as I can tell. I am getting it next week so I would post a brief test report here later. P.S. This thread should have been sticky already!
Ipega joystick Read this from the hdmi thread
With the latest update 2.3 we added support for iCade controllers to our game Skweek. Please add it to the list. Here is the link to AppStore:
Good new guys! I PM'd Killercow and now I'm the new op! With masvil's help (along with others) this thread should be awesome!
You were included in the "others." What apps are you helping implement iCade into currently? MajiKazo is out with iCade
Danmaku Unlimited 2 is on dollar sale FYI. Also, I notice Pangea adding BladePad support to some of their games. I wonder if they'll add iCade too? (Even though it would not be analog.)
Speaking of which, I had noticed that that wasn't on the list. Updating it now. So do you guys like the new format? I know that you (Adams Immersive) wanted to have the new apps at the bottom so it'd be easier to find new apps, so I'll keep the list that was used previously how it is, and keep it updated. I think that it will look nice when its finished, and it doesn't take as long to change it as I thought it would. So you guys know why the new format is at the very end and the very start is masvil is doing the start and I'm doing the end so that it will go a bit faster, and we won't just be overlapping.
I love the new format. It's great. Should we throw all the other controls that work with the icade configuration on under the list as well?
The "Developer Post" has some of that info. I might make a post with more info sometime though. Edit: I just put Connectors post at the bottom
Sadly, the icade list is kinda on hold, because I have reached the character limit. You can only have 10,000 chars. And links take up a huge amount. I will pm some mods to see if they can help out.
M MagMaze | review | thread MajiKazo | review | thread Mars Quest | review | thread Mech Pilot | review | thread Meganoid | review | thread Meganoid 2 | review | thread Metal Slug 1 | review | thread Metal Slug 2 | review | thread Metal Slug 3 | review | thread Metal Slug X | review | thread Midway Arcade | review | thread Mikey Hooks | review | thread Mikey Shorts | review | thread Mikey Shorts Halloween | review | thread Minotaur Rescue | review | thread Minotron 2112 | review | thread Mission 452 | review | thread Mode | review | thread Monkey Labour | review | thread Mos Speedrun | review | thread Ms Pac-Man for iPad | review | thread Muffin Knight | review | thread N Namco Arcade | review | thread Neoteria | review | thread No Gravity | review | thread Nyan Cat! | review | thread O Oh Hi Octopi | review | thread P P1XLs Party | review | thread PAC-MAN for iPad | review | thread Paper Monsters | review | thread Pastry Panic | review | thread Phoenix HD | review | thread Pili Pili Rush | review | thread Pinball Arcade | review | thread Pinball Kingpin | review | thread Pix'n Love Rush DX | review | thread Plasma Sky | review | thread Platform Hell Pro | review | thread Plum Crazy | review | thread Pocket BMX | review | thread Pocket Boxing Legends | review | thread Puzzle Bebop | review | thread Puzzle Bot Blast | review | thread Q Qwak | review | thread R R.Type | review | thread Raiden Legacy | review | thread Rat on a Jet Ski | review | thread Rat on a Scooter XL | review | thread Rat on a Skateboard | review | thread Rat on a Snowboard | review | thread Rat on the Run | review | thread Recess Riot | review | thread Remote File Manager (SNES Emulator) | review | thread Retro Dust HD | review | thread Retro Games | review | thread Retro Racing | review | thread Retro Robots | review | thread Retroid | review | thread RobotRiot | review | thread Rock Crush | review |thread Rock Run | review | thread Rocket Chimp | review | thread Rocket Pirate! | review | thread Roll A Stone | review | thread RPG Quest | review | thread Running Fred | review | thread Rush City | review | thread
I have a feeling even with the two posts we will reach the char limit. the second post already is pretty much full. I'll see what I can do.