Last November Mi-Clos and Goblinz Studio announced their collaboration to bring the humorous dungeon crawler Dungeon Rushers from Steam over to mobile, and in December they began recruiting beta testers for said mobile version. Then at the beginning of this month they announced that Dungeon Rushers on mobile would be arriving on the App Store February 23rd, and about a week and a half later they released an official trailer for the mobile version. With pretty much all major the pre-release marketing news out of the way, what’s left for Dungeon Rushers ahead of its launch next week? How about a cheesy informercial!
Of course, “cheesy" is a term of endearment here as I have a huge soft spot for infomercials and would be embarrassed to admit how many hours I’m sure I’ve wasted watching them in a bleary-eyed state at odd hours of the night. In truth, the dungeon creation portion of Dungeon Rushers is one of the most interesting aspect about the game for me, so I’m glad that they made a trailer focusing on it, as tongue-in-cheek as it may be. As mentioned multiple times already, look for Dungeon Rushers on the App Store next week on February 23rd for a price of $4.99, and head on in to the forum thread to talk about this one ahead of its release.