You can consider all your time with Flight Control [App Store] to have been practice so far. Firemint reports that they have submitted their first update to Flight Control and posted these screenshots of the new leaderboard capabilities.
Firemint CEO Rob Murray was recently interviewed by about the wild success of their first self-published title and detailed the new features we can expect in Flight Control:
The first update will introduce Online Scores using our technology. We’ve built a web site with leader boards and personal profiles for each player who uploads their stats, including Google Maps that show who else is playing around them (if they choose to share their location).
Murray also reveals that despite the fact that he runs a mobile gaming company, Flight Control was a side-project done outside of office hours. The game was developed over the course of two months on weekends, holidays and evenings by himself, his wife and the art director from Firemint.
A subsequent update is said to offer new airports and aircraft to the game. Meanwhile, Firemint is also poised to release their Real Racing game which is due very soon.
App Store Link: Flight Control, $0.99