EA and Respawn Entertainment’s popular free to play battle royale game Apex Legends has been confirmed for mobile for a while now but details around the actual mobile release have been scarce. The most recent news of note was that it was set to soft launch last year. With the Nintendo Switch version of Apex Legends finally dated, I figured we would hear something about the mobile version soon. Today, a report from IGN India reveals that Apex Legends for mobile is in development at Tencent with Respawn Entertainment supervising. Apex Legends is also set to launch in the third quarter of this year according to the report. It is going to be interesting to see how Apex Legends comes to mobile and whether it has any cross platform support across the PC and console version or ends up being its own thing like PUBG Mobile. It is also possible that Apex Legends on mobile lets you unlock things in the PC and console game as a cross promotion measure that we have seen in multiple games recently including Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons getting bonus items through Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Watch the Apex Legends trailer below:
In terms of what to expect for device support, Apex Legends for mobile reportedly requires an A11 Bionic chip and above which means it will run on iPhone 8 and later while the Android version needs a Snapdragon 625 and above to play the game. Apex Legends is very popular on console and PC platforms and recently even arrived on Steam ahead of its Nintendo Switch release date. Hopefully EA announces a release window for Apex Legends on mobile in the near future but I expect things on the mobile side to only start rolling once the Nintendo Switch game has been out for a bit. Many fans of portable gaming no doubt will be playing Apex Legends on Nintendo Switch when it releases on March 9th. Do you play Apex Legends regularly on any other system?
[Source: IGN India]