
‘Karateka’ Is On Sale

TouchArcade Rating:

Heads up: Jordan Mechner’s new Karateka ($1.99) is now on sale for 99¢. That’s a couple of bones off its initial December launch pricing of $2.99, if you’re keeping score at home.

The app’s description doesn’t note when this sale will end, by the way, so grab it now just to be safe — and you probably should. In our review, we praised its rhythm-based brand of combat, as well as more than a few of its production elements. Give it a read if you’re on the fence.

Oh, and in other Mechner video game sales news, The Last Express ($4.99) on iPad and iPhone is still on sale, too. Never before has there been a better opportunity to double down on your Mechner mobile experience on the cheap.

  • Karateka

    *IMPORTANT* Karateka requires iPhone 4S or newer, iPad 2 or newer, or 5th-gen iPod Touch. "Instantly, addictively fun" -…
    TA Rating:
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