Agharta Studios’ Rogue Planet was the surprise of WWDC this year for me. I had a last minute meeting with CEO Aurelien Kerbeci where he pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and proceeded to blow me away with a game that was so far above and beyond my expectations that I was nearly speechless.
During this meeting, Kebeci mentioned that the game was still in development, but at the time only had two weeks to go before submitting their game to Apple for approval. We posted this in our exclusive preview, the forums caught wind, and then Rogue Planet vanished without a trace. Emails to Agharta Studios were met with cryptic responses about a mysterious “big name" publisher and a September release date.
Needless to say, we were left scratching out heads, and nothing came of Rogue Planet aside from forum members randomly bumping the thread asking if anyone had any new information every once in a while. That is, until today, when the following video appeared on Gameloft’s YouTube channel:
As you can see from the trailer, Rogue Planet is a turn based strategy game with the same amazing art style seen in Agharta’s other game,1112 [$4.99 / Free]. We posted other details in our preview along with a gameplay video, but it has been so long since we last saw the game that it’s hard to say how much of it is still the same from what was shown at WWDC.
Per the video, Rogue Planet is going to be released on the 24th, and assuming they can stick with that date I have a pretty good idea of what I will be spending my Thanksgiving holiday weekend playing. Needless to say, as soon as we get more information about this game we will post it, and hopefully will have a better preview very soon.
Agharta Studios’ partnership with Gameloft as a publisher is a very interesting one. While Gameloft seems to have dabbled in publishing other titles in the past, for the most part has done much of their iPhone game development in house.