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‘Oh…Sir! The Hollywood Roast’ Brings More Insult Combat This Spring

Vile Monarch and Gambitious last year released Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator ($1.99), a game about comedic insult combat. It proved to be a hit among the YouTube crowd and was a multiplatform success. As such, the time has come for a sequel. Enter Oh…Sir! The Hollywood Roast, which now tries to bring the insult combat to thinly-veiled Hollywoood parodies. Check out the trailer, narrated appropriately enough by the dude who narrates the “Honest Trailers" series.

That’s right, check out all those legally distinct movie character parodies. New features include a character creation mode, a charged comeback mechanic, and redesigned scoring. The original was pretty goofy, and I’m curious to see if the joke continues to work in a new game. For sure, the trailer makes a ton of jokes about the sequel being seen as a cash-in, so at least someone is aware of it. But still, this has the potential to be some more amusing insult combat. It’s set to release this spring.