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Emotional Story-Driven Puzzler ‘Stay, Mum’ Hits the App Store Next Week

Back in March, Lucid Labs unveiled a very different sort of puzzle game called Stay, Mum. It’s about a young boy named Little John who craves attention from his mother, who spends a lot of time at work. While she’s away, she gives her son blocks to play with, which he uses to create different shapes and imaginary characters that help him cope with the loneliness. These block shapes and characters are also the puzzle element in Stay, Mum. Check out the touching teaser.

As someone who grew up with a single mom who at certain points in our lives was holding down as many as 3 jobs at once, Stay, Mum strikes a particularly personal chord. I understand that feeling of having a loved one who isn’t always able to be around to spend quality time with, but I’ve also always understood it was for a good cause: Providing for me and my sister. It sounds like Stay, Mum will dip into that very idea, as it’s obvious from the teaser the mother loves Little John and wishes to spend time with him. I can’t wait to find out more when Stay, Mum launches on October 29th for $2.99.