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Your Life was Meaningless Until the ‘For Eternity – The Game’ Entered Your World

I feel like we need to talk about this trailer for this game called For Eternity – The Game, because we can’t not talk about it. It’s an upcoming game by an electronic artist called Etostone, who’s turning the music video from his song “For Eternity" into the most impressive platform RPG game for all mobile devices/tablets. Which ones? All of them, apparently. Just watch the trailer already, and despair at what you life has been before this:

That might be the greatest game trailer of all time. This game will have everything! Advanced 3D graphics! The most intriguing story integrated into a fantastic game! Boss fights and cutscenes! NPCs and allies! A variety of magic spells! For everything bombastic about this trailer, I applaud it for keeping it real when it says it’ll have solid gameplay. You know, games aren’t just about gameplay, they’re about the package. For Eternity – The Game might have only solid gameplay, but everything else is going to make it fantastic. This idea has been brewing for a while, as it’s based off of a music video for the song “For Eternity" from 2012, which is the greatest thing you will ever see:

For all that is good in this world, please let this game become a reality because it’s going to be the greatest thing ever.