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Upcoming ‘Quest of Dungeons’ Looks Like My Kind of Dungeon Dive

Sometimes there’s nothing better than a good old fashioned, pixely dungeon crawler. I’m not even talking about anything that reinvents the wheel here, just some interesting character classes, lots of cool spells and weapons, and plenty of baddies to lay waste to. I think that the upcoming roguelike Quest of Dungeons might just fit that bill. The game has been in development since last summer, originally slated just for the iPad but now set for iPhone release too, along with Mac and PC. The developer just released a brand new trailer, check it out.

I dig the humor in that trailer and the fact that Quest of Dungeons doesn’t take itself too seriously. Another thing I really appreciate is that the game can be played in either landscape or portrait mode. As of right now Quest of Dungeons is basically all finished, but the developer is trying to coordinate a release at the same time across all platforms, which includes a bid to get it on Steam via Greenlight. At the very least we should be seeing Quest of Dungeons hit iOS and the Mac App Store sometime in early February, so keep an eye out for it and hit up the forum thread for more.