
Team Phobic Brings ‘Bounce On Lite’ to App Store

Team Phobic has just released Bounce On Lite [App Store], a free “lite" version of its Mario-style 2D platformer that offers a subset of the features of the original Bounce On [$3.99 App Store].

In Bounce On, a red ball has accidentally fallen out of someone’s pocket and it’s the player’s job to guide it home while picking up gems and power-ups along the way and avoiding (or squashing) enemies, Mario-style.  The ball is controlled via tilt with a tap to the screen to bounce.  The graphics are simplistic, cartoony and colorful, also evoking a Mario-esque feel.

We took a look at Bounce On last month and found it to offer an enjoyable 2D platform experience that helps fill the dearth of such titles in the App Store rather nicely.

See our demonstration video of the paid app, Bounce On.

[ Full HD version | Low Bandwidth version ]

App Store Link: Bounce On Lite, Free, Bounce On, $3.99