
FDG Entertainment Is Considering a Port of ‘Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom’ with Controller Support

If you missed the huge news at WWDC for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS gamers, PS4 and Xbox One controllers will be supported across those operating systems when the big updates arrive or in the case of iPad, when iPadOS ships. While most iOS gaming fans were happy with the news, I was curious to see when we’d start getting announcements or teases for ports. FDG Entertainment published the fantastic Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom from Game Atelier on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch a little while ago. Watch the trailer for it below:

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a standout release on all consoles and one I’m happy to own physically thanks to a lovely limited release. It is one of the most charming games in recent times and it has a superlative soundtrack. After controller support was announced at WWDC, FDG Entertainment tweeted that PS4 and Xbox One controller support is making them consider bringing Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom to tvOS. With the same support on iOS, if it does show up on tvOS, an iOS port is inevitable.

If you aren’t willing to wait for a possible port, check out Wonder Boy on iOS now or Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom on any console. It is definitely worth playing across any platform and will be a huge get for iOS if a port happens eventually. I’m definitely looking forward to more announcements now that iOS will support the two most widely used controllers beginning with iOS 13. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom hits PC platforms beginning July 25th. Check out the Steam page here. FDG Entertainment is no stranger to console quality experiences on mobile and if this port works out, it will be one of the best for sure. Have you played Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom on any console so far?