Apple released an iPhone game today, their first since 2008’s Texas Hold ‘Em which launched alongside the App Store more than a decade ago. The new game is called Warren Buffett’s Paper Wizard (Free) and, as you may know, Buffet is the third wealthiest person in the world nowadays. However, one of his first jobs as a young boy was delivering papers in his neighborhood, and he was so fond of that job that he used to hold paper-toss competitions during the annual shareholder meetings for his company Berkshire Hathaway. That competition was the inspiration for this mobile game, and according to the game’s FAQ, “Due to the popularity of the event, Warren couldn’t toss against everyone. So he found another way for all of his fans to challenge him."
The game itself is sort of a spin on Paperboy as you’ll cruise down a fixed path in a first-person perspective tossing papers towards houses and businesses using a pull-back slingshot mechanic similar to Angry Birds. The game has you playing through Omaha, Nebraska, Buffet’s hometown, and then Cupertino, California which is where Apple is based. You even end the Cupertino level tossing papers at targets from inside the massive “UFO" at Apple Park. After both routes are finished you’re given a score based on your accuracy and how many papers you were able to deliver, with a local leaderboard for keeping track of your scores. No, Apple inexplicably didn’t use Game Center in their own game, so you can’t compete with friends online. It’s also not Universal so there’s no native iPad support. Tsk, tsk, Apple. Anyway the game is totally free with no ads or IAP and is actually reasonably fun.
For whatever reason, this has people over on the MacRumors forums furious. One user even calls the release of Warren Buffett’s Paper Wizard as the beginning of the end of Apple. Some people consider this as just a big ass kissing of a major shareholder, and maybe there’s some truth to that. But also, who cares? Others feel that Apple is wasting time making a silly game when instead they should be making more important apps, as if the creation of this has somehow delayed work on other projects. Trust me, I always love pulling over on the side of the road and enjoying the negative overreactions to something totally insignificant by people on the internet, but this one really takes the cake. Apple released a silly free video game, and they are DOOMED I tell ya. If you like totally free and fun games though, give Warren Buffett’s Paper Wizard a download and check it out for yourself and let everyone know if this is finally the end of the world’s most valuable company.