
Best New iPhone Games on Our Forums: ‘JackQuest – The Tale of the Sword’, ‘Snakebird Primer’, ‘Card Crusade’, ‘Shieldwall Chronicles’, and More

Heyyyyyy e’rybody, it’s another Wednesday as we continue to plow right through 2019! Aside from being the eve of my birthday, today is home to not one but three different made up holidays which all kinda sorta apply to the TouchArcade universe. The first of which is Inconvenience Yourself Day, which is a day about inconveniencing yourself to help other people which is something we should probably all do a bit more of. The second is National Retro Day, which fits since we’ve got such a love for pixel-powered retro stuff around here, and last, but not least, you probably already heard about: Pokemon Day. The good news is, while you’re busy deciding which of these three holidays to celebrate you can also dig through a whole bunch of new iOS games that have recently hit the App Store!

Stay tuned for the full roundup later this evening!

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