Our community is very excited for Gameloft’s upcoming Modern Combat Versus, and now more of you can access the game. Gameloft has announced that the 0.61 update has added New Zealand and Australia, which should expand the player base and make matchmaking better. If you don’t have an account there, you can use our soft-launch guide to grab one. The game is also soft launched in Google Play’s Early Access, so now Android players can join the party as well. In addition to expanding the soft launch, Gameloft has tweaked quite a few things with an eye to balancing the game better.
Players will get free daily chests now, which should give you extra Agent XP and Versus Coins every four hours. There are also new Control Zone locations to each map, and at the start of a new match one of the three locations is randomly selected. That should make playing across the five maps feel more varied. And, of course, there are quite a few quality of life improvements. Jump over here to see the changes in detail. And, of course, make sure to join our Modern Combat Versus Discord chat as well as our forum thread.