
New iPhone Games on Our Forums: ‘Guns of Mercy’, ‘Yo! Let’s UP’, ‘Active Soccer 2 DX’, ‘The Deep Paths’, and More

According to my calendar of weird made-up holidays, today is National Peanut Cluster Day. If you’ve never had one, they’re basically just chocolate and peanuts melted together into a glop of candy. Technically inferior to a turtle, but still deserving of their own made-up holiday, I suppose. Turtles should have their own holiday, but all I can find is World Turtle Day which takes place on May 23rd and instead celebrates actual turtles. If anyone wins a trivia night because of that, you owe me something. Anyway, with GDC out of the way, we’re back into the swing of loads of games being released. Today’s final onslaught of releases should include way more games than this, but, this is what have been posted to our forums so far.

If you don’t see your game here, make sure you post a thread for it!

Stay tuned for our full roundup later this evening!