The newest game from Peter Molyneux’s studio 22cans, which soft-launched back in September and is published by Kongregate, is now available worldwide. The game is called The Trail – A Frontier Journey (Free) and it sees you creating a character and walking various paths in really gorgeous environments collecting resources and engaging in various activities before arriving at a settlement camp. There, you can trade or converse with the locals, craft items, or just rest up before heading back out onto the trail towards your next destination. If you find a town you like, you can settle down there and help to build the town up into prominence. Check out the trailer.
It all sounds like a really interesting idea for a game on paper, but as has been the case with previous Molyneux projects, that doesn’t always translate to a great game in reality. However, seeing as The Trail was in soft-launch for a couple of months prior, many people have given it a shot already and actually had pretty positive things to say about the experience. The biggest negatives I heard were technical issues, which hopefully have been hammered out during soft launch, and complaints about the free to play system in the game, which is dependent on how you personally feel about such things. At the very least it’s worth giving it a download for free and checking it out just to see these gorgeous landscapes, and if you do be sure to leave your impressions about The Trail in the game’s forum thread.