
‘Candy Crush Soda Saga’ Level Guide – Tips To Beat Levels 41 Through 60

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Hey friends, I’m back again with another installment in my level-by-level guide for Candy Crush Soda Saga (Free). As usual, I want to get a disclaimer out of the way: these aren’t bulletproof strategies for winning every time. Sometimes, Candy Crush Soda Saga won’t give you the pieces you need to beat the stage. It happens. What these tips are for is to help you seize the opportunity when the game does give you the right pieces. Persistence and patience are your best friends in this game. With that said, let’s get on with some advice for levels 41 through 60, where things really start to get tough.

Level 41: Let’s get things started off today with a chocolate stage. This one is tricky for a few reasons. First, there’s a lot of chocolate to clear out. You don’t have much space to work with in the beginning, some layered cupcakes are in your way, and worst of all, you don’t have many moves to work with. Happily, there are four different colors of candies here, so making matches should be easy. Striped candies are probably the easiest thing to make here and will help you greatly in clearing things out early on. If you can make some packaged candies along the way, they’ll help you get those cupcakes off the board. Jelly fish on their own aren’t much good here except as a way to give you a breather, but if you can match a jelly fish with another jelly fish, it’ll definitely help you chase down the last few stragglers.

Photo 2015-05-26, 20 09 14Level 42: You can wash that chocolate off of your hands. In this stage, you have to raise the gummi bear above the candy necklace. There’s just one here, and it’s stuck in an inaccessible area. Meanwhile, the soda bottles are all trapped in licorice cages. A well-placed horizontal striped candy can clean house if you can drop one in the right spot between the cages. Otherwise, just focus on freeing those bottles and popping them. Once the soda level is up, it’s trivial to get the bear to the top. Remember that jelly fish are pretty good about homing in on soda bottles. They’re great in this level.

Level 43: This level gives you tons of moves, no weird tricks, and just has you digging out bears. The cupcakes aren’t even at their thickest. So what gives? Well, the trick is that this is basically two playfields, not one. You don’t have 50 moves, you’ve really got 25 each, which realistically isn’t enough to clear the clutter. The key, then, is to make special candies that can help clear out both the top and bottom at once. Vertical striped candies are the best here, and if you can pair them with a packaged candy, that’s even better still. Take note of those horizontal striped candies trapped in the licorice cages in the middle. A couple of well-placed vertical striped candies can set off both of them at once, helping you clear out the bottom layer of cupcakes. Don’t bother with jelly fish here. They won’t go where you want them to.

Level 44: After that last one, you could use a breather. This level is a bit easier, but you have to go about it the right way. There’s just one gummi bear to find, and only four possible locations. None of them are easy to reach. The best strategy here is to try to use striped candies, regular matches, or packaged bombs to peel back one layer of frosting in each spot. You should be able to tell if the bear is there or not. If it’s not, don’t waste anymore time on that location. There are two sprinkle bombs trapped in licorice cages here. If circumstances line up for you to free them somehow, they can certainly help you. Otherwise, don’t focus on them. They’re basically a distraction to keep you from doing what you need to. If you can make a striped plus packaged match near the bottom of the screen, you’ll be halfway home. Once again, don’t bother with jelly fish. They will go literally everywhere but where you need them to.

Photo 2015-05-26, 20 09 30Level 45: Did you miss chocolate? Well, it’s back. This time, each piece of chocolate is contained in a licorice cage. The good news is that it won’t spread while it’s trapped. The bad news is, removing the cage doesn’t count as removing a piece of chocolate, so if you don’t take out a square of chocolate along with each cage, it’s going to spread while you try to get them all opened up. Like many chocolate levels, this one isn’t too bad if you don’t let things get out of hand. You may want to spend a couple turns making special candies, like packaged and vertical striped candies, before unleashing the first bit of chocolate. Once you’ve opened the first piece, simply focus on making matches to remove chocolate with every turn. Once you’re down to the last few, jelly fish will help you tremendously. Otherwise, you’ll need a bit of luck or a packaged candy.

Level 46: Serving as yet another chaser for a chocolate level, you just have to raise a single gummi bear above the candy necklace line in this level. This stage is a lot easier if you can clear a path from the top before you start raising the soda levels. If the soda gets too high, you’ll need to start matching from the bottom, and you’ll find the bear will get in your way. That means you should make jelly fish, but try not to use them until you’ve cleared the center using packaged candies or just plain matches. As soon as the road is clear, let fly with as many jelly fish as you can to quickly raise the soda level. At that point, it’s just a matter of getting the bear up to the top of the screen. Once the bottles are popped, jelly fish won’t be very useful anymore as they’ll home in on the remaining cupcakes. You’ll have to match your way to the top.

Level 47: At first glance, this level looks like cake. Er, the difficulty kind of cake, not the food product. There are power-ups a-plenty waiting in licorice cages, and just four bears to find. Better still, they’re always in the same general areas: the four corner squares. What makes this stage tough is that you only have 20 moves to solve it in. While in many stages, those caged candies are there to distract you, they’re essential here. You need to get that coloring candy out of the middle as fast as possible and match it up with one of the other specials, preferably the packaged candy. If you can pull that off, you’ll only have a little clean-up ahead of you. Without it, you’d have to get awfully lucky with initial candy placements in the corners.

Level 48: This is probably the easiest stage to come along in quite a while. There’s just one big bear to uncover here, and you’ve got a whopping 45 moves to do it with. Use packaged candies where possible to remove the cupcakes, but as long as you identify the big bear’s exact location early enough, you should have more than enough moves to see this one through.

Level 49: You’ve got a few gummi bears to raise above necklaces here, but this stage is also pretty lenient. Enjoy it while you can. The trick here is to pop all the soda bottles to raise the left-hand bear above the necklace, then match the sprinkle bomb underneath it with the now-adjacent packaged candy. That should turn the big barrier blocking your way into a giant Michael Bay-style explosion, leaving only scraps of cake in your way. It’s a pretty quick trip to the top as long as you don’t forget one of the bears during your ascent. Remember, if there’s just one square of cupcake in your way, you don’t have to clear it to get past it. As long as there are open spaces beside it, candies and bears will squeeze past. Raise the other two by matching a few more times and you’ll be on your way.

Photo 2015-05-26, 20 09 54Level 50: This level is a jerk. You have to remove all of the chocolate, a task that seems initially quite easy since there are only four pieces. Unfortunately, there are columns of cupcakes in the way, with two of the shafts blocked by a caged power-up. The good news is that the chocolate tends not to swallow special candies if it can take another route. The bad news is that it’s very, very difficult to open up this board before the chocolate consumes it. A few lucky striped candies can solve your problems right away, and packaged candies are useful as ever for getting rid of cupcakes. The level even helpfully provides a few of both, so you just need to light them. After that, don’t focus too much on clearing the debris. Any move where you aren’t removing chocolate is a wasted one.

Level 51: Closely resembling the 44th level, this one has you uncovering three gummi bears hidden among four possible spaces at the bottom of the screen. If you can drop a horizontal striped candy at the bottom of the screen, you can reveal which three hold the prizes immediately. Otherwise, search them one at a time. With the small number of potential targets in this stage, jelly fish are actually useful for once, so you might want to let fly with some of them. Vertical striped candies are great if they line up right, too. You have plenty of moves to solve this one in, so just take it methodically and you should be alright.

Level 52: This is one of the more puzzle-like stages of this set. You need to raise the soda level by popping eight bottles. The trick is that they’ll only appear in the three isolated spaces at the top of the board. Vertical striped candies can reach them, but the best method is to use jelly fish. If you can match a jelly fish with another jelly fish, you’ll hit all three bottles at once and be nearly halfway home. Don’t bother with packaged or horizontal striped candies here. They’re almost totally useless. You have 30 moves to solve this one in, plenty of wiggle room if you use the jelly fish.

Level 53: You have to uncover three bears here, but after so many stages with cupcakes, this one shouldn’t give you too much trouble. The only hard part is getting at any bears in the bottom rows or corners. There are too many targets for jelly fish to be useful, so you’ll have to try to hit them with striped or packaged candies. A combination of the two near the bottom of the screen can really clear up the field, but otherwise, you can treat this like any average stage with this goal. Find the bears as fast as you can, and focus on clearing them at the expense of everything else.

Level 54: It’s back to the chocolate again, this time with nine pieces caged in licorice underneath a row of regular candies that are also caged. As always, the chocolate won’t spread while it’s corraled in by licorice, something you can use to your advantage by preparing an arsenal of special candies before you open the gates. When you’re ready, open the licorice barrier at a single point. While you can widen it as you go, try not to open up a second escape route or else you’ll be chasing chocolate until you run out of lives. Packaged and horizontally striped candies are most useful here, and as in many levels, if you can combine the two, you’ll make short work of things here.

Level 55: As is the usual pattern, the chocolate level is followed by one where you have to raise the gummi bear above the necklace. You’ll start the stage with the bear sitting halfway up the field. That’s a problem, because all of the soda bottles can be found at the bottom, blocked by a cupcake barrier. This is the real test of the stage. Once you open that barrier, the soda bottles will flood out and getting the bear to the top is simple. You have lots of moves, but you still shouldn’t waste them. Drop the bear immediately so that you can get at the cupcakes. The cupcakes have a good amount of space on either side of them, great for firing off horizontally striped candies. If you can squeeze a packaged candy in there for a little demolition, that’s even better. The bear is going to get in your way, that much is inevitable, but if you can clear all three cupcakes at the very bottom, this stage will be over in a hurry. Jelly fish are helpful at the very end, but until then, avoid them. They’re not very good at clearing cupcakes.

Photo 2015-05-26, 20 10 14Level 56: This level is kind of fun, if you ask me. You have to pop the soda bottles, and they’re all trapped in the middle of the field inside of licorice cages. To make matters worse, there’s a cupcake barrier around them. Take a look at the field and figure out the best side to open it from based on your layout. This is usually the top, but the sides might be viable, too. Then simply remove the cupcake layer by making matches and firing off any special candies you make along the way. Once it’s open, drop a packaged candy in there and enjoy the fireworks. A nice, relaxing stage. That’s a good thing because the next stage is one of the toughest.

Level 57: I’m not going to snow you. I was stuck on this level for a long, long time. There are six gummi bears you need to uncover, but you have a very small number of moves and the way the pieces flow in this stage can make it hard to predict where pieces will settle. I’m going to go so far as to say that you need special candy combinations to clear this. Two striped candies aren’t bad, two packaged candies are quite effective, but the best combination here is a striped and packaged candy combo. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to make sprinkle bombs, too. One of those combined with either a striped or packaged candy can make things a lot easier on you. You might have to clean up at the end with a few jelly fish. Otherwise, just keep matching low and hope that pieces settle in your favor. Try not to get discouraged. If you stick to your strategy and keep on trying, you’ll get through eventually.

Level 58: If you made it here, congratulations! This level is tricky, but nowhere near as hard as the last one. You have to raise a few gummi bears above a necklace, but there are a bunch of licorice cages and cupcakes blocking the way. Try to make vertical striped candies here to take care of the cages as fast as possible. If you can put together a packaged candy near the cupcakes, that’s going to help you out a lot, too. Jelly fish can sometimes work well here for removing the licorice, but if there are any cupcakes left, that’s about all they’ll be good for. As this stage is somewhat narrow, once you get the blocking pieces out of the way, it’s pretty easy to raise all the bears at once.

Level 59: As chocolate levels go, this one isn’t too bad. The chocolate is enclosed by the bottle-shaped wall of cupcakes, which keeps it from spreading too much before you’re ready. You only have a small area to work with initially, preventing you from making striped candies. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to get some packaged candies or jelly fish together, but either way, you’ll want to start taking down those cupcakes as soon as possible. Those enticing special candies in the bottom corners are really only accessible if you can nail them with a vertical striped candy. Otherwise, they’ll boost your score when you beat the stage. Once you’ve got your working space opened up a bit, rain striped candies down on the chocolate and cackle with glee at your mad power.

Level 60: You have to raise five gummi bears above the necklace in this stage. It’s just one screen, but there is a massive barrier blocking your bears from ascending. The first problem is getting at the soda bottles, which are boxed in by cupcakes and enclosed in licorice cages. On top of that, you have very little room to work with. That’s the first problem you’ll want to address, actually. Make some matches on the sides to widen your working space. You’ll need room to make jelly fish, and plenty of them. If you can combine a jelly fish with a horizontally striped candy, it should make for the soda bottle cages. If you can do it a couple more times, you’ll be halfway home. Otherwise, just fire off single jelly fish to raise the soda level. As for the cupcakes, by now you should know what to do. Packaged candies will make short work of them, while striped candies can be pretty useful in the right spots, too. Simply clear a path to the top for your bears and bring them all home. You can’t rely on jelly fish for this part because once the licorice is gone, they’ll go right for the cupcakes. A horizontal striped candy placed near the top can help move the line up, though.

In my experience so far with Candy Crush Soda Saga, level 57 is one of the harder stages. We’ll be seeing the pace of brutally hard stages picking up as we continue on from here, though, so consider it a good bit of training. I’ll be back next time to cover levels 61 through 80, so if you’ve hit a wall, hang in there. In the meantime, you check out our general guide for the game to pick up some tips, or if you’re having trouble with an earlier stage, you can hit part one and part two of this particular series. Good luck!

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