Gimblll, the developr of the rad Drift’n’Drive ($2.99), has just announced a new game that looks promising enough on its own, but with that pedigree, I’m really excited for it. Trigonarium sounds like a casual puzzle game (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but it’s actually a “hardcore twin-stick shooter for arcade fans," and the trailer is showing off what promises to be an intense shooter, all at 60 frames per second. Watch this one in 720p60 on the Youtube site if you can:
There’s massive numbers of enemies, gargantuan bosses, and even co-op multiplayer on one device?! And it’s all going to be super-smooth? Sign me up! This one should be out next week, assuming Apple approves this one at the normal times. But we all know what happens when you assume with Apple: your assumptions are frequently proven to be misfounded and mistaken. I’m excited to try this one – hop on the hype train for yourself in our forums.