
‘Plicplic’ Update Adds Game Center and a Host of New Features

TouchArcade Rating:

Last month Bradley and I sat down to spend some quality TA Plays time with Plicplic (Free), a unique endless game from developer Nathan Malville. It was different from most vertical endless games in that you touched either side of the screen to dip your umbrella downwards in an effort to swoop in and collect passing stars. These stars served as the fuel that would boost you onwards and upwards in an effort to make it as far as possible before finally running into too many hazards and succumbing to umbrella death. So sad.

The higher your umbrella went, the more hazardous the game became with large raindrops impeding your upward progress or huge bolts of lightning that could fry your little umbrella guy in an instant. The unique “dipping" controls and a satisfying upgrade and mission system really served to elevate Plicplic to one of my favorite endless style games. The fact that it exudes all sorts of charm doesn’t hurt either.

As much as I liked the game, my biggest gripe with Plicplic was that it was an endless high-scoring game that didn’t utilize online leaderboards, but this week a new update has hit that rectifies this by adding Game Center integration. Now I can actually see how my scores stack up to the rest of the world, and in my case, it isn’t pretty. But I do appreciate the ability to compare and see what kind of scores I should be shooting for.

That isn’t all, though, as this update adds a number of new enhancements across the board. Difficulty has been adjusted so it’s easier for new players to get the hang of things, there are new types of bird enemies, and new star power-ups like one that has you spewing little baby umbrellas that will destroy any enemies they come in contact with. There’s also a new environment to see if you’re able to get high enough, and brand new missions to complete which will bump up your score multiplier even further.

Plicplic is one of the more unique and entertaining experiences you can get on the App Store for a buck, and all the new stuff added with this update improves upon an already great game. Players in our forums have been really big fans of Plicplic ever since its release, and if you’re curious about it but hesitant to drop your dollar just yet, a new lite version should be hitting later this week that’ll let you take the game for a spin before you buy.

UPDATE: Lite version now available, link added below!

  • Plicplic

    - "Plicplic is one of the more unique and entertaining experiences you can get" - Toucharcade.com - “PlicPlic is a rea…
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