Jonathan Lanis’ Boost 2 [$1.99 / HD] is great. We’ve praised it to death and are always eager to hear more intel about the psychedelic, first-person racing game. And finally, there’s news. A Lite version is now available on the App Store. It went up earlier this week alongside a July 4 sale that has since ended.
Boost 2 feels like what happens to me after I guzzle protein powder. The world narrows into a neon tube and I’m rushing through it, man, all the while clenching my teeth and pushing it to the max. It’s primal. It’s first-person F-Zero without the opponents and a couple of gallons of Red Bull poured in for good measure. The goal in all the modes boils down to “don’t hit the neon obstacles” as your speed increases in ever-winding, cylindrical stages.
Looks neat, right? Give it a spin for free. I’m guessing you’ll go ahead and grab the full version if you haven’t already. If you don’t, I’m not sure we can be friends anymore. Sorry.