Upcoming Games

‘TotemHeadz’ – Tribal Warfare Coming Soon to the AppStore

An upcoming but little known game that has come to our attention recently is a Worms-esque, platform shooter entitled TotemHeadz, developed by Innobec Technologies.

Though we haven’t had any play time with TotemHeadz as yet, from what we’ve seen TotemHeadz deviates from the traditional Worms model by scrapping the turn-based gameplay and opting for a real-time, action-packed combat system. How this manic gameplay will handle in practise remains to be seen, but we have high hopes for what is evidently an explosive portrayal of Totemic warfare.

Even from early screenshots and the trailer currently available, it is clear that TotemHeadz is shaping to be a visual treat; with rich, thematic, animated backdrops and detailed character and weapon artwork immediately standing out. TotemHeadz’s impressive production values bode well for the game’s other elements too, of which the full feature list which includes 10 levels, multiple weapons, and later plans for a level editor and multiplayer.

An early trailer for the game has also been released and can be viewed below.

A price point of $2.99 or $3.99 is still being considered for TotemHeadz, which should be ready for submission within the next month or so.