In Paris last year when we were given several hands-on previews with various Gameloft games, GT Racing was little more than an elusive 2010 racing simulator. Following Gameloft’s holiday lineup, GT Racing seems to be the next big game to come from the developer.

From our preview:
Gameloft is putting a lot of effort in to providing a realistic racing experience, and in the demo I was able to get my hands on, my ’67 Shelby GT was wonderfully challenging to control around Leguna Seca. It was actually refreshing to play an iPhone racing game where you actually have to precisely control your car instead of just mashing down the gas and flying down the track.
Like all Gameloft games, they aim to make GT Racing as accessible as possible, with both brake assist and traction control that can be turned on for casual players, or disabled entirely for racing veterans. As you play through events in the game you earn money to buy upgrades for your cars, as you tune every aspect of your car by adding these aftermarket parts you will be given the opportunity to test track (just like Gran Turismo) before going back to competition races.

Gameloft also released a brief gameplay trailer last month:
The iPhone’s tilt controls seem to be a natural fit for racing games, and while there are already quite a few amazing racers on the platform, it sounds like GT Racing will feature by far the most included licensed content between both real tracks and cars. The release date of GT Racing is uncertain, but we’ll be keeping an eye out for news from Gameloft regarding its status.