
‘Chaos Rings 3’ Gets Vital Update To Fend Off Tentacle-Related Problems

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Square Enix and Media.Vision’s latest RPG Chaos Rings 3 ($9.99) is a real doozy. It’s jam-packed with stuff to do, it looks and sounds gorgeous, and it’s a rare modern example of an original mobile RPG without any IAP. Once you start playing it, it’s hard to put it down without hours passing. There was really just one problem with the original version of the game that released a few weeks ago. Certain hardware and OS combinations were resulting in a crash error fairly early into the game, just before the Mocktopus boss fight. Some players were able to fudge past it by changing language settings or closing and opening the game, but judging by the game’s App Store reviews, most just threw their hands in the air and walked away.

Well, although Square Enix doesn’t move as fast as one would like updating certain titles that shall go unnamed, they got this patch done in a hurry. At least, “in a hurry" for a big corporation working with an outside developer. The update that fixes the Mocktopus Crash is now live in the App Store, so if you bought it and had a bad day due to some tentacle monsters, go hit that update and take some revenge on that innocent wildlife. While you wait for it to patch, why not check out our review of the game or the amazingly information-packed thread in the TouchArcade forums?

Now, about The World Ends With You, Square Enix?


    The newest addition to the popular smartphone RPG series is finally here! ・CHAOS RINGS Overview CHAOS RINGS is a full…
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