Given that we’re a week away from iPad launch, you’re going to have to bear with us with the onslaught of iPad-related gaming news. Movile Inc just announced their BoardBox for iPad which is described as a realistic looking board game set for the iPad. If you’ve ever lost a board game piece, this one’s for you.

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BoardBox supports over a dozen different board game variants including 5 types of Chess, 2 types of Go, Checkers, Reversi, Tic Tac Toe, Go, International Draughts, Xiangqi, and Westerized Xiangqi, Now, at this stage BoardBox does not contain any single player AI, so you’ll actually have to have someone to play with — but it’s a start, and fulfills one oft-mentioned promise of iPad gaming.
BoardBox will sell for $3.99 on iPad launch day.