
A Quick Look at Retro Shooter ’80s Galaxy’

Last month, to little fanfare, Act1 Corporation released retro shooter 80s Galaxy [App Store] for the iPhone and iPod touch.

80s Galaxy is a wireframe 3D, green-on-black shooter rendered with “jiggling" vectors that help to reinforce the retro feel of the game.  It sounds a bit much–and it is–but to die hard retro fans (like me), it’s pleasant to behold.

80s Galaxy is a rather simple game.  Enemies approach en masse.  Tap to target and fire at an enemy, swipe to deflect incoming ordnance.  Some eneimes require several taps to destroy.  And that’s it.  Level after level of this sort of simple shooter action.  It’s so simple that many (most?) will not rank it among their favorites.  But true retro gaming fans will likely find it worth a look thanks to the visual treatment and overall oldschool feel.

Having trouble deciding?  Luckily, Act1 has just released 80s Galaxy Lite [App Store], a “lite" version of the game that offers a limited taste of the full, paid version.

Have a look at our gameplay video to get a feel for the game.

[ Full HD version | Low Bandwidth version ]

App Store Link: 80s Galaxy, $2.99 | 80s Galaxy Lite, Free