The problem with the idea of crowdfunding the app is that app development is very expensive and the community willing to pay for such a niche thing is very small. We spent over six figures throughout the lifecycle of the TouchArcade app getting it going and attempting to update it, and as our Patreon has shown, getting any more than a few thousand dollars is just supremely unlikely. I just got off a big conference call with the designers of the TouchArcade site design refresh we're doing. The new site will have most of the features of the app once it's all done, and the mobile view looks really great. I think people will be pleasantly surprised once it's all finished, but it's likely going to take us another couple months to get it all completed. Once that's done, there's a possibility for an "app" that's basically just a wrapper for the web site that we can send push notifications to, but, beyond that just isn't realistic for us.
I actually think that sounds fine. I'm excited to see how it will develop. I won't be updating till then. I'll see what I can do about donating.Maybe a one time donation or occupationally when I can.
Then crowdsource instead of crowdfund. Make it open source, throw it on GitHub and let TA users/devs contribute their free time voluntarily. This way users can add in features they like and if Apple doesn't approve, just remove them. And you've spent nothing on development costs. Or can TA not even afford to have just 1 guy on staff vet PRs and submit updates to the App Store?
When do you think that that app will be released that you said is basically a wrapper for the web site that we can send push notifications?
After the new site is finished, no idea beyond that. In the meantime, you can always use IFTTT or similar services to get notifications when we post new stories with our RSS feed.
Yeah, I'll try that. But does it have notifications on apps on my watch list when there's a sale on them?
THANKYOU very much for this. Didn't know of that functionality and I'll be using it right now! Yesterday I sent a mail to appshopper devs and they answeared me immediateli, very professional. Their website right now works better on iOS than their old app. I suggest you to use the website. For TA, I miss direct link to stars valutation of a game... the rest is quite good trought website instead of app.
IOS 11 - TouchArcade app not working Sorry if i posted in wrong forum, I just wasn't sure where to go with this. Touch Arcade app hasn't been updated a long time, and i'm aware its a big monetary investment to fix the app and wasn't done in the past. App used to work just warn you that it needs to be updated, but now it doesn't even let me into the app. Anyhow, love you guys - been here for years and years and years, lurking and gaming
These links should help if you haven't seen them yet:
Haven't updated yet. Playing some of my 32bit list of games... Yeah, I miss the stars on TA app... but I don't regret to have already deleted the app... this is the way we have to go, we only have to get used to it
I'm holding out as long as I can to minimize the gap between app and new mobile site. The website is currently an awful experience via phone. I'd otherwise be all over iOS 11. But the app has everything I need right there when I open it. Hard to give that up!
As of today the TA app is not loading content from the app store for me. Edit: working again... ###♂️
Losing stars valutation on the mobile app is by far the worst thing about all of this... But that's the way it is...
Anybody on iOS 11 seeing that notifications still work from the TA app, but you can't launch the app? That's pretty frustrating that Apple appears to be putting a soft stop to 32-bit apps, but they can still work in the background.
I deleted it after I accidentally updated to 11 (hit "Later" when an update notice popped up). Holy crap does access via website on phone suck. And the Watch List page is a joke because you can't tell what the new activity is without a lot more effort. Sigh. And website logins aren't persistent (even with "remember me" checked) on phone or computer via website either. So I'm yet another layer removed from everything that was just right there, immediately, on one page of the app. I miss that app dearly.