Hope your problem will be fixed! Note that if it makes Editor's Choice your icon design won't be as much exposed as a screenshot of an ingame scene so let's maybe cross fingers for that For now it's the only game I'll get tonight so don't take this away from me! () Love Ballistic and Fireball btw so in worst case scenario I'll at least get to enjoy the updates, right?
If you pull it, can you wait just a little, so your loyal fans get the chance to download it round midnite?
+1 to this. Im not buying the icon per se, it's the awesomeness that comes with it. Also, cant Icons be just a part of your first update? That way, you wont have to pull.
Agreed. I normally purchase 15-20 games a week on the app store. This week, however, I am highly disappointed in the NZ releases other than Inferno and Expand It. I have only planned on buying those. Along with others, I've been so pumped for Inferno. Please do not pull the app, and keep all of us in this thread updated on the situation. It appears that Radiangames has many true blue fans here on Touch Arcade.
They have update the description text to the NZ Appstore and they explain the icon issue (NOTE: The iTunes icon is not correct, it will be fixed in an update ASAP. You'll see the real icon after it downloads on your device.)... so maybe they decide to keep it up till the update... We gonna learn in few hours!
I never understood all the fuss over icons to begin with. I really don't care what a game looks like in that little square on my phone. I only care about how the game plays. There could be a picture of My Little Pony, but if the game kicks ass, I could care less about the icon.
Hey, I want this game to be as successful as it can possibly be so Radian can afford to keep churning out the awesomeness. I don't care about the icon either, but it seems his concern is a poor release due to suboptimal iTunes presentation. If it will help Radian in the long run, I can wait a bit, but man do I want this game
Leaning towards keeping it right now. If I'd known yesterday morning, it would be a different story. Won't know about the expedited review for 1 or 2 days, so I'll wait to see if there are any other big issues. If no major issues, it'll stay up. I know that's not a good incentive to report problems, but please still do Will update when I know more.
Relax people, yes, the description's been changed so I doubt the game's going anywhere. For all the fuss, I personally think it is a close call between which of the two icons would grab more attention. No doubt the one intended for release is more tasteful, but it's not like taste sells. The game is excellent by the way. All of the meat, none of the fat. Now, carry on with the hubbub.
Actually skipped on Fireball and Ballistic. This one looks good enough to get though. Might end up grabbing all three tonight. I think it's been a while since I've bought a DSS. They've definitely slowed in releasing. There used to be a new one weekly.
The Fling has made Ballistic and Fireball extremely fun and addictive. Ill be pickin this one up later
I bought Fireball and Ballistic, but in all honesty, I thought Ballistic wasnt as engrossing as Fireball. Doesnt mean Ballistic is bad though, just isnt up to par with Fireball. Fireball was just plain fantastic... Balls, Physics, and a sh*tload of adrenaline rush. I believe Inferno+ will be at least be better than Ballistic for me.
Super Crossfire is outstanding, Ballistic is very good, but Fireball is one of the best games on iOS. The level of excitement it creates is intense and hard to compare to much else on the platform. I don't understand why it isn't more popular, but I guess people just wanna shoot stuff Anyway, I seriously can't wait to try Inferno, even if it's Radian's worst game, which I doubt, it is hard to imagine it won't be awesome. http://tenonedesign.com/fling.php http://toucharcade.com/2011/01/04/fling-game-controller-for-ipad/
The visuals style is largely repeated in their games, yes, but I have liked all of them so far. Sign me up. Also, I prefer Fireball SE to Ballistic as well, but both are good.
Don't forget there's also a hideously ginormous iPhone version http://toucharcade.com/2011/06/03/fling-mini-on-sale-now/