Universal Foregone (by Big Blue Bubble)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    Should have saved it for Poseidon though ... :rolleyes:
  2. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I really like this game, but it sucks to see old school gaming tropes that haven’t aged well being shoehorned into the tail end of it. :/ No one likes prolonged sessions between checkpoints with unnecessary re-traversal once you’ve died (including warping from one place to another) and especially rehashed boss fights. If there’s a second (maybe third?! I don’t know anymore) Demeter fight, I might have to bow out gracefully.
  3. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    If the game is too hard, your character is probably too weak. Two friendly suggestions for those struggling. (Really don't want to hurt any gamer feelings, and I often need some help myself. If I hadn't read tons of stuff I'd probably given up on dead cells soon, barely made it out of prisoners quarters every now and then. (2bc now)). Anyway.

    First: there are extremely strong synergies hidden in this game. Your character upgrade path and your skill upgrade path should correspond. And then the perks of your gear. If it gives you plus 20% damage of a skill you don't use it's simply wasted. With gold gear you've got three perks, with red even four. If these match with your skills and upgrades, things go brrrr. And if you have that with all five peaces of gear: boom!

    (It costs some money to redo a wrongly choosen upgrade path or to get the shards back from a skill you don't use anymore, but it's definitely worth it. And if you do like a specific gear but the perks are all wrong, you can still play missions. (See former post in here. Tip: missions are a fun change AND give you lots of gold and shards!))

    Second: the hidden secrets are not just there for your achievements. More often than not there are skill upgrades hidden inside, and you want to have these! So once you've defeated Poseidon, you should definitely go back and actively search for them. Like missions it's fun and gives you gold and shards on the way if you are not just rushing through, and, just in case I didn't mention it, you want to get these upgrades.

    Also this game really isn't for the bus. Have some time at hand, get yourself a tea or whatever you prefer, and go for a ride. As someone who really hates games where the levels are way too long, (killed Dan the man for me and made the otherwise right up my alley Help I'm haunted literally unplayable imo), I never had issues with this beauty. Yeah, sometimes it can be a bit nerve-racking to finally find that sweet sweet checkpoint with your nearly depleted health bar, but that's part of the game. And if the game is too hard ... ;)
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Good post. Hate that you went to all that trouble to reply to me when my build is quite OP to the point where I’m basically killing everything in 2 hits (bosses aside), but my points above are just basically me venting because up until the second Poseidon fight, I couldn’t put this game down. Instead of the morbidly warm and inviting caverns, graveyards, mausoleum and whatnot, that whole teleporting segment just felt super redundant in terms of atmosphere and coupled with repetition, I was starting to lose interest. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.

    Still, Poseidon’s tentacles can suck it.

    EDIT: Who has the tentacles again? Demeter or Poseidon? See, I legit started zoning out. >_>
  5. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world

    Everything I wrote are things I already considered sharing cuz I found them amazing and maybe helpful for others, hence addressed to "those struggling", absolutely no trouble at all, absolutely no reason for any hate ... :cool:

    Also I didn't even realize some bosses were there twice? To me it was a fun experience from start to end. (And before you "gracefully bow out", I'd recommend to just go a little bit further ... ;))

    Only the last boss was way too easy imo, but maybe that upgrade skill combo is op indeed. But since the game has been out for a while on other platforms they would know and nerf it, wouldn't they? And without anything to upgrade I doubt I'll go for the game+ option.

    However, happy new year everybody, live long and prosper and may the force be with you \\//
  6. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Oh I was just coming to say I love the new game+ in this. The first new red armor I found was far and above stronger then my already fully maxed red armor I used for the endgame. I will see how long I last but I’m for sure trying it out a bit more. This game was really great. Funny though the only boss I found tough was the last boss. Everyone else I walked through. He took me a bunch of tries. In overdrive I’m unstoppable. I have it fully maxed with the additional hidden upgrade and all my gear has overdrive in it. Love this game. Great way to end the year.
    #Bonk3rZ likes this.
  7. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    #47 #Bonk3rZ, Dec 31, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    Wait, WHAT?!? Not that I need to be any stronger, seeing that I gyrosed that Zeus guy in like 30 seconds, but [squeak] there is a hidden upgrade?!? [/squeak]

    (Edit: you mean an upgrade you found in a secret location? There are more ... ;))

    I too started a new game plus and found new daggers :) Kept my old ones on tho to see how I'm doing. Only one checkpoint in so far, but I still seem to be fairly strong, BUT one of those totally normal guys nearly one shot killed me! :eek:

    Might come back for a stroll and see how long it can keep me interested.
  8. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    I have some questions and would like some input because TL;DR:
    1) Is there an advantage in entering missions? I joined the first two, but it appears that I'm still on the initial track and not on the side missions
    2) I'm currently on, COURTYARD, Waypoint 1, but when I look back at the previous levels I still haven't found all the secret hiding places. Will these be revealed as I accumulate more powers/upgrades and circle back and replay the level? I've hunted but can't find the others in my current state.
  9. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    #49 #Bonk3rZ, Dec 31, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    Tldr on page 3 lol!? With all your questions already being answered? Lol nope lol! I say: Here's to you, Skål! :cool:

    Edit: ' morning :confused:. Missions are different. After you select one you will be sent there immediately. If not, something went wrong. I had that sometimes, just restart the game.

    Along the way you'll learn three new abilities, which will let you reach until then unreachable places. Start searching for hidden secrets when you've got them all.

    More info in this thread, esp here and here. Cheers.
    ColeDaddy likes this.
  10. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    Thanks brotha! I've been on vacation all week and maybe the doldrums of having to go back to work hit me when I wrote that post :) Thanks for circling back and providing some helpful info. UDAMAN!

    PS. I've only been getting the gold stuff and not the red you referenced. I still have a ways to go!
    #Bonk3rZ likes this.
  11. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    There are some passive skill tree upgrades, for example bonuses to aftershock radius; do you get to keep the passive even if that skill isn’t equipped?
  12. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    #52 #Bonk3rZ, Jan 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
    I'm pretty sure that's a nope. Also I wouldn't waste that sweet stuff on more than one skill.
  13. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    Even though Foregone can be a bit repetitive and is anything else than original it still has been a blast so far. There‘s also replay value due to various secrets in every level you can only reach with new abilities, a hard mode that only gets unlocked after you‘ve beaten the game on normal and another game mode where you can try to beat your own records.

    Due to the setup/placements of my power outlets I‘d like for the game to have auto-rotation but that‘s not a major issue. I‘m having a real hard time with the
    the kid
    though. Thought my equipment to be pretty good. All red & fully upgraded, weapon Falchion which is a bit slower than most others but I looked for the highest DPS.
    These are screenshots of my abilities and main weapon:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Would it be helpful to go back through older levels to unlock more secrets? Any advice would be greatly appreciated ;)
  14. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    Can't remember a kid, but last sentence in this post might be helpful.
  15. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I gave it a test once I beat the game and had extra blues. And yes, passive bonuses in skill trees take effect even if the skill is not equipped!

    I’ll add screenshots, it I have heal and overdrive equipped. Added the raze bonus for aftershock damage, and I think bulwark is the name of the shield skill, that one has an aftershock radius bonus…went from 5.34 to 5.94, screenshots attached. Try it out.

    Attached Files:

  16. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    definitely helps to go back and find the bonuses that are hidden…if you are enjoying it enough for new game plus, no need to get that many because you should find more then…

    One thing is that daggers and faster weapons are good for explosives, maybe the tether bonus is better for slower weapons? I am interested to change it up..currently have aftershock daggers which land lots of explosives and the aftershocks end up killing things at range…it’s carnage. But I am interested in changing things up.
  17. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    I alteady completed all the speedrun/gauntlet/hazard levels and think habe all the
    like dashing in the air, double jump or glide jumping on opposite walls
    . No idea if these are all the abilities available but I could probably unlock quite a few secrets in older levels.

    And isn‘t
    the main chars daughter/son = a kid
    or ao,ething like that. The story is pretty secondary to the game, so I didn‘t pay too much attention to it but could‘ve sworn :) Anyway that‘t the one that‘s giving me troible.

    Thanks for the screenshots @Solarclipse - Your build doesn‘t look extremely stronger than mine, suppose I just habe to try more often or just use a faster weapon ;)
  18. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #58 Solarclipse, Jan 17, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
    Yeah story wise it seems like
    the arbiter is a scientist who donated her son to the project, and he felt abandoned. I’d interpret that the darkness—anger, resentment, anguish, loneliness, etc—manifested as the harrow…

    Maybe after the arbiter left the military tried making their own arbiters without her and you get Hera, Demeter, Poseidon etc from their experimentation.

    why the arbiter left the scene and why she responded to the call to come back, who knows.

    thoughts about skills: I haven’t experimented with much because once you find a weapon with a skill bonus that works…

    but I am wondering what skills people are really enjoying? Plague seems too slow. The bulwark seems kind of handy playing defensively—new game plus enemies hit really hard. I have overdrive but don’t end up using it that often, I wonder if surge would be better.

    I am seeing items with a special talent in red—when you kill an enemy with surge, instantly refreshes the skill. When an enemy is plagued, decrease their critical strike by 100%, etc. I saw one item like that in regular game, more in NG+.
  19. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    #59 ColeDaddy, Jan 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
    Does anyone have a successful build to beat Project Demeter? Also, I only have one "platinum" level item (a necklace). How the heck do I get the others?

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