Back in June, Gears Pop! (Free) had a release date of September 2nd on the App Store pre-order page for the game. Microsoft has been slowly revealing more about the upcoming mobile spinoff that is a collaboration between Gears of War and Funko Pop! in the form of a strategy game that is free to play. Watch the gameplay trailer for it from Microsoft below:
Gears Pop! lets you collect and upgrade characters from the Gears of War franchise with Funko Pop! styled visuals. It will have real time PvP and dozens of characters available at launch. If you enjoy playing games offline or in spotty connectivitiy locations, this might not be for you because it is online only. While the listing still says September 2nd on the App Store, Xbox has confirmed that it will be released on August 22nd for both iOS and Android.
If you’re interested in Gears Pop! you can pre-order it now on the App Store and Google Play for free. Check it out here for iOS and here for Android. What do you think of the first Gears of War mobile game being an online only Funko Pop! themed release?