
Best New iPhone Games on Our Forums: Life is Strange, AiRburst, Phantomgate, Sword Man – Monster Hunter, and Much More

If anyone needs me today, I’ll be hiding in my basement avoiding all human contact as today is objectively the most annoying day of the year: International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yes, that’s right, an entire day where you talk like a pirate which may have been amusing 10 or even 15 years ago but since is a horse so dead and beaten you can drink it through one of those super skinny straws you sometimes get with a cocktail. The good news is, on this cursed day, there’s a bunch of great new iOS games to keep me company in my bunker while I right out the pirate-talking storm.

Here’s all the new games that have been posted to our forums recently:

Stick with us for our full roundup later this evening!

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