
Best New Games on Our Forums: ‘Heroki’, ‘Identity V’, ‘Dead Island: Survivors’, ‘Dere Evil Exe’, and More

Hey everyone! If you’re in the USA, happy 4th of July! Hopefully you have a great day today filled with BBQ’s, beer, bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica, and fireworks. (And please for the love of all things true and decent in this world if you’re shooting off fireworks yourself please be careful.) It’s going to be a bit of a slow day around here as we all enjoy the holiday, but the App Store never stops. We’ll probably post the full roundup tomorrow, as we usually post it right in prime fireworks time. But, there’s been a ton of games posted to our forums, so be sure to check those out.

Here’s the full list so far:

Stay tuned for our full roundup later … tomorrow?