The Fancy Pants series has a long and storied history, first starting life as a simple Flash game created by Brad Borne way back in 2006. Its clever level designs and extremely fun, floaty physics system made it a major hit with players, and so Borne went on to create a sequel in 2008. In 2011 the two games were combined into a single package called The Fancy Pants Adventures for release on home consoles, with a version arriving for iOS in early 2012 courtesy of Chillingo. The game worked surprisingly well with virtual controls, and The Fancy Pants Adventures was easily one of my most beloved mobile platformers from back then. Not long after, Borne created the highly-anticipated third entry in the series which was subsequently added to the mobile and console versions. Since then, however, the Chillingo-published version has been removed from the App Store, but thankfully series creator Brad Borne and studio Over the Top Games resurrected the iOS version and re-released it in May of last year titled simply Fancy Pants Adventures (Free). It is free to play with premium unlock options and you should definitely go download it right away if you’ve never played a Fancy Pants game before.
Anyway, over the summer of last year it was announced that a fourth Fancy Pants game was in the works, titled Super Fancy Pants Adventure, and it released on Steam the following September to an overwhelmingly positive reception. Fancy Pants was back, baby! I was always a little jealous seeing everyone enjoying a new Fancy Pants game on other platforms when I knew just how well the game worked on mobile back in the day. Well, this must have been part of the plan all along as Super Fancy Pants Adventure is indeed coming to iOS on January 25th and is being published by Kongregate as it is on Steam, and you can actually pre-order it as of right now. If you’re on an iOS 11 device go ahead and click this link here to be taken to the App Store page for Super Fancy Pants Adventure where you can pre-order it for $4.99 ahead of its official release next week. It’s not known if that is some sort of special pre-order pricing or not, considering the Steam version is $9.99, but it seems like a sweet deal either way to get a whopping 56 brand new levels of Fancy Pants fun as well as hidden and remixed levels. I simply cannot wait, so look for Super Fancy Pants Adventure on the App Store in just over a week’s time.