According to a new study by Flurry Analytics, mobile gaming habits are changing, with players having fewer gaming sessions that, however, last longer. And despite playing fewer times a week, players are spending more money. First, some other interesting numbers. The top 5 mobile gaming countries—USA, India, China, Brazil, and Russia—make up between them 50% of all global gaming sessions. Overall, there’s a decline in gaming sessions for the second year in a row, with a big drop in arcade and casual games, which in turn was a big factor in the overall game session drop within these last two years. Some other genres have been seeing more gaming sessions though, chief among them card and casino apps, board and strategy games, and racing games.
While we are seeing fewer gaming sessions, those sessions appear to be getting longer, especially in 2016. That indicates higher engagement according to Flurry, and it also shows that developers are fine tuning their mechanics and monetization systems and are succeeding in keeping players around for longer per session. Another interesting—though not very surprising—number is that screen size correlates with gaming session length, with full-size tablets having longer average session length than normal-sized phones.
Flurry’s tips for app developers based on these numbers is to intensify their engagement and monetization tactics, especially at peak usage hours on mobile devices (6-9PM), since players appear to be ready to extend their gaming sessions even more, although it might be harder for new apps to draw players away from their favorite games. What do you think about these numbers? Do they describe your changing gaming habits over the last couple of years? You can read the whole study here.