
From the TouchArcade Tips Line: A Brilliant ‘Dan the Man’ DLC Idea

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The TouchArcade Tips line is a magical treasure trove of emails. From game announcements, to unrelated political action committee press releases, it truly has it all. But unfortunately, sometimes we get emails from people who think that we are many of the game publishers and developers that we cover, and ask us for tech support. We regret to inform you that we are not Supercell, TinyCo, Rovio, King, Kabam, and Tinder, but such is life. If we were any of those companies, we probably wouldn’t be running a Patreon. But we got an email from a reader that we just had to share. Thinking that we were long-running Australian game developer Halfbrick, this reader just had to share with us his ideas for 2D platformer Dan the Man (Free), and what a future update should entail. Thus, in the interest of advocacy journalism, without further ado, we present to you this reader’s brilliant idea for Dan the Man DLC:

Make a Dan the man update of a new story where Dan has a rival with black hair who also knows kungfu and learns from the dark master and wants to be king so he needs Josies dna to make an army and the update should also have a state where Dan has a full state of power where his body is burning red that 1 or 2 punches can kill a minion
His rival must also have a full state of power and the story should be funny romantic and dramatic
And please let the story be offline so a lot of people will download it

Funny, romantic, dramatic, and offline. All the elements of a great video game, I say. Halfbrick, get on it.

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