Guild of Dungeoneering ($5.99) is a really fun game, and we enjoyed it in our review quite a bit. Recently, the game got the Pirates Cove expansion, and now the developers have announced that Ice Cream Headaches, the game’s second adventure pack, will be coming to mobile soon. In this adventure, the Ice Cream Monks (best monks ever) are under siege from Brainiacs who just want to see the ice cream burn. This adventure brings 21 more quests, more monsters, and more bosses to the game with snowy mountains to explore and monsters like Slushie Elemental and the Pygmy Mammoth standing between you and success. I wonder how easy it will be to avoid brain freezes.

You can also recruit new Dungeoneers, the Yodeller, the Ice Cream Monk, and the Snowitch, as well as get your hands on 24 new pieces of equippable loot. The new adventure pack also adds a new mechanic called Favour to the game; any time you draw a room or corridor, it may come with a Rune or Fate inscribed on it, and placing it in the dungeon can defeat a monster to gain Favour with the Fates. You can read more about Favour and the update as a whole here. Ice Cream Headaches is coming to PC October 27th and mobile “a little later."