World of Tank: Blitz (Free) 3.2 update has gone live today (although the servers are still down), and while we aren’t getting any huge additions to the game, we are still getting plenty of balance improvements as well as an improved Copperfield map. Let’s start with the map. Copperfield is one of the original maps and was usually won by whichever team managed to have even a semblance of cooperation and planning. The updated map offers more room for maneuvering (always a plus in my eyes) and also encourages heavy tanks to fight at closer distances. Medium tanks should also have more space to maneuver. In a move I’m totally behind, the developers have lowered the maps elevation to make the center of the map more accessible.
In addition the the map changes, there are several tank adjustments, both nerfs and buffs, that you can read in detail here. I know this update looks light on content, but balance changes are always a crucial part of keeping the game enjoyable. And, as the developers have assured us, we’ll be getting much more stuff this month to celebrate Halloween. Don’t forget to claim your two days of Premium between October 8th and 9th.