A year and a half ago we reviewed Ire: Blood Memory (Free) and really liked it for its Dark Souls-influenced gameplay and its entertaining enemies, even though the UI and the monetization left quite a lot to be desired. Ire‘s developers, Tenbirds, wanted to improve quite a lot of aspects of the game, and they decided that instead of continuously patching the older one, to go ahead and remake it into a new app. So, the new version of the game that has just released retains the original idea and general design but adds much-improved graphics, a more functional UI, changes to attack speeds, cool-downs, and all of that, and adding more content through a new world map and new quests.
If you’re looking for a demanding ARPG, give Ire: Blood Money a shot; I have a hunch you’re going to enjoy it. There really aren’t many similar games on the App Store, and don’t mistake Ire for one of the many button mashers out there. This one is all about tactical attacks and careful planning.