Noodlecake Games and No Monkeys (of Mmm Fingers (Free) fame) have released their new one-touch high score chaser, Fired Up (Free) onto the App Store. You’ll play as a firefighter trying to put out fires and save people by using a fire hose that propels him way up in the air, getting points for each floor that you reach, and points for saving poeple in fires. But no points for just putting out fires. Those you just have to put out in order to keep yourself alive. The good news is that the game provides handy markers to show when you’ve passed other people on the way up, so you can not only put out fires, but get satisfaction at knowing you did better than someone else at firefighting. And isn’t that what firefighting is all about?
Not only does Fired Up come with the game, but there’s also the inclusion of some iMessage stickers for iOS 10. Have a friend who uses the fire emoji too much? Use the stickers to put that out. Keep it room temperature.