Those guys over at continue to update World of Tanks Blitz (Free) almost monthly, ensuring that the game stay fresh and tankers have new battlefields to explore and new tanks to blow up. Yesterday we got update 2.7, with its highlight being a whole new map, Mirage. Mirage is set in North Africa and combines three biomes: beach, oasis, and desert. The flag is in the middle of the dunes, and while those dunes protect you from long-distance sniping, they also offer great vantage points for enemies shooting from above. The dunes feature should push players to move closer to the flag rather than try and snipe from afar, which should make for fun battles. A train on raised tracks splits the desert from the beach and offers cover to both sides of the map. And there’s even an oasis, which should see fierce fighting since it’s located between the two spawns and offers plenty of cover.
The update also adds more Clan Supply levels (which let you unlock discounts with your Clan) and new discounts and bonuses. There are also multiple improvements and rebalancing to various vehicles (as always), the Lost Temple map has been improved primarily in terms of visuals, spawn locations for medium tanks on Desert Sands have been reworked, the Copperfield map is now only available for tier II-V batlles, and matchmaking will return to the -2/+2 format. And, of course, you can get two days of Premium between March 12, 08:00 PT and March 08:00 PT, as long as you play at least one battle. Go here if you want to check out the full release notes.