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‘Flail Rider’ is What Would Happen if ‘Particle Mace’ and ‘Pako’ Had a Baby

BulkyPix and Catpanckae have revealed a rad-looking game called Flail Rider, which looks like it’s gonna hit a lot of my buttons. It looks kind of like Particle Mace ($2.99) meets Pako ($1.99), as you drive around an arena as a car with a giant mace behind it, trying to wreck as much stuff as possible in 60 seconds. There’s 50 different vehicles with 3 different classes, with smaller vehicles easier to handle but with smaller flails, and large vehicles trickier to drive, but with large amounts of damage possible.

It’s looking pretty fun, and while the game is set for release this spring, if you want to try it early and provide some analytics to help make the game better, you can sign up for the beta in the game’s forum thread. I’m really looking forward to trying this one out at some point, myself.