
‘Prune’ is Time’s Game of the Year, the Second Straight Year a Mobile Game Has Won

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The mainstream gaming media doesn’t treat mobile games with a fraction of the respect they deserve, but the mainstream media somehow does. Time Magazine’s website has gotten some hardcore gamers in a tizzy by naming Prune ($4.99) their game of the year, above such luminaries as Metal Gear Solid 5 and The Witcher 3. The top 10 list is actually really good when it comes to recognizing mobile. Ryan North’s To Be or Not to Be ($6.99) and Her Story ($2.99) make the list, and while those were both desktop games as well, recognizing Prune as your game of the year means this isn’t just a “oh, they happened to be mobile" thing – they were good games and were on mobile.

Respect to Matt Peckham, the Time writer who compiled this year’s list and last year’s list, for having fantastic and varied taste, knowing that both the mainstream blockbusters and smaller-scale indie PC and mobile games deserve recognition. That, or he’s an amazing troll, after naming 80 Days ($4.99) as game of the year for Time last year. Either way, it’s gotten gamers mad – one notable gaming forum had plenty of people in open revolt in a locked threat. Glorious. I only hope more game of the year lists come out that consider this year’s great mobile games among the obvious choices.

Regardless, congratulations to the developers of Prune for getting a major honor from a classic publication. I don’t know where it falls on my games of the year list quite yet, but it’s a worthy choice.

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