A new Lego game may have just leaked. A game, seemingly called Lego Worlds, was featured on the back of a new City Square Lego set, complete with WB Games and TT Games, the latter being known for their work in the Lego series. With the tagline of “Explore. Discover. Create." and vehicles, there’s lots to speculate about here! Could it be a Minecraft ($6.99) style of game, but with Lego? Maybe! Is it an error, some preproduction art for Lego Dimensions that accidentally made it out into the wild? Who knows! One comment seems to indicate that an open-world Minecraft game may be what to expect.
We’re seeing Lego Dimensions, the Skylanders-style take on Lego with all the different licensed properties that will be interacting together, later this year. But an open-world Lego game where you can build whatever you want? It feels long overdue. After all, I always thought when Lego started doing Minecraft sets, they had it backwards: we should have seen the Minecraft take on Lego. Maybe now this will happen. Or who knows just what this will be!
[Wired UK]