Red Winter Games is bringing back their Dungelot ($0.99) with a new entry: Dungelot: Shattered Lands. The third entry in the series will have you exploring new levels, uncovering tiles to find enemies and fight them. Six hero classes, including the vampire from the original game, will be playable in Shattered Lands. Red Winter is playing up elements like the game’s story, with decisions to make in some of the quests. Additionally, the game will feature randomly-generated dungeons, globla map exploration, and and a hero’s mansion you can build up. Check out the trailer:
Red Winter is developing this right now, and they don’t yet have a release date or a price, but it will be a premium game, not free-to-play like Dungelot 2 (Free). They are hoping for this to be the best Dungelot yet, and they’re even putting in iCloud sync. Hey, I’m in favor of any game with that. The developers have a forum thread in case you want to chat and ask questions about what the game will have!