
Ho Ho Ho! A Massive List of Holiday Sales is Here!

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Alright, here we go folks. With the big iTunes freeze leaving developers fighting over ranking slots, and getting their holiday discounts in while they can still modify prices before the next week’ shutdown, this means that there’s a colossal list of cheapies and freebies to check out over the next week. Some games are dropping to $0.99 for the first time, Square Enix has dropped some classic RPGs in price, Radiangames’ entire output is and there’s a ton of five-star games that have all plummeted in price listed below. Don’t worry if you can’t afford some of these right away, and are expecting iTunes gift cards for your holiday of choice: the iTunes freeze lasts through next Monday, so you have time to pick them up. And if you don’t celebrate any holidays, well, might as well pass the time while everything shuts down by playing some great cheap games, eh? Here’s a colossal list of everything fit to print.

If you’re an Android fan, there’s a ton of sales going on over there as well, but of particular note is the latest Humble Bundle featuring Noodlecake Games, which features an absurd amount of great games for $8. Enjoy!

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